Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back to School

Time to go back to School after what seemed to be a short summer for me but next summer its ON!!!!Now I am in busy mom mode the mornings are full of activity's running around and singing.The good part of the kids going back to school is I get to have the house all to my self and to tell the truth I'm still getting used to it but I do get a lot more of the house cleaned:) This year Daphne started middle school and I am still coming to grips with that,I do like the car pool kids they are witty and make it fun to drive.Daphne of course LOVES school.

Zeph is in 4th grade he is doing a lot better he got a guy teacher and loves it he also is enjoying scouts.And now he informed me that I cant hug him at the school cause its just not cool!! so he hugs me at home.

Little Miss Claudia is in First grade my baby!! she love school but hates P.E cause she gets burned so now she packs around sun block she was happy to get most all of her friends from kindergarten.


1 comment:

laura said...

I hope it's a good year for the kids! I can't believe how they are growing up! I miss seeing you guys...hope you are all doing okay?!