Its been 12 years today,When I left my home as a childed and embarked on this new journey called marriage having no idea what to do or what should come I left as the baby I was and made a home for me and mine I didn't know who would come or how and not long after the wedding I was so sick and we found out we where having a baby we where going to start our Family and so it began.And the last 12 years have been great yes there was ups and downs but if it wasn't for them we would not be here right now,I must say this I love Robert now way more then i did 12 years age I think we (I) did a whole lot of growing up and can see stuff in a whole new light. Happy Anniversary Robert I sure do love you with every thing in me.

I remember that day!!!! Congrats guys!! Love you!
Octavia, those pictures are so sweet! Happy anniversary to you too!!
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